The Best Mechanical Paper in the World”: Scientific American, Reprinting, and the Circulation of Popular Science in Nineteenth-Century Newspapers Ryan Cordell
Kollaborativa medier. Design, produktion, konsumtion och nya förhållningssätt till medier Bo Reimer, Malmö högskola Den traditionella medieforskarrollen består av…
Critical Theory and Alternative Media/Journalism Christian Fuchs, Uppsala University The presentation deals with the category of alternative media from a critical theory perspective. It aims at…
The Ethics of Remix Jonathan McIntosh, Rebellious Pixels There has been much discussion about the legal issues surrounding remixing media but what about the ethics of appropriation? How do we…
Digital Modernism: Making it New in New Media Jessica Pressman Yale University What happens to literature, the literary, and the cultural value of both when text moves from page to screen? In my…
Machinimatic Realism: Capturing and Presenting the "Real World" of Video Games Jeffrey Bardzell School of Informatics in Indiana University "Realism" describes a cultural…
Nätjournalistik – Fakta, förväntningar och farhågor Michael Karlsson, Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap, Karlstads universitet Digitaliseringen har radikalt ändrat…
How Green is Your Smartphone? Toby Miller This talk is presented by the Department of Culture and Media Studies & Humlab. The Economist newspaper identified 2019 as “peak…
The Authority of the Live: The Rise of Live Publishing in American Journalism Christine Larson, Stanford University Live publishing—the production of editorially driven live events and spin-off…
"Bakom Algoritmen: En studie om programmerare och logikerna bakom dess arbete" Jakob Svensson, Malmö universitet Algoritmer är på dagordningen som flertalet uppmärksammade…
Digital media ethics: beyond the actor network Stina Bengtsson, Södertörn University The governance of algorithms in everyday life as well as the rapid emergence of the ‘Internet of…
The Internet Cat Video Festival - Cute Affects and Digital/Physical Intermingling ** Ingeborg Hasselgren, University of Sussex ** Ingeborg
Hasselgren is a PhD-candidate in Media and Cultural…