Brännström is a Research Engineer and a member of Responsible AI group, Department of Computing Science, Umeå University
Abstract: Many policies, standards
and regulations on Artificial Intelligence (AI) have been presented or are in
the pipes. A common problem in these is that they are often too abstract, too
specific, or both at the same time to apply to real-world projects. The issues
and risks related to the various technologies under the AI umbrella are highly
context dependent and it is difficult to find any particular abstraction level
on which to approach them. In this talk, I describe a context-aware structure
which in a manner similar to Value Sensitive Design bridges the gap between
high-level values and actionable requirements and explicit design elements but
also provides means of assessing compliance to those requirements. I describe
how this approach can take a positive role in the AI
developer-procurer-regulator ecosystem and some directions for further research
and development. A demo of an implementation of the above, RAIN, developed by
the Responsible AI group at Umeå University is also presented